It’s always a special moment when your little one rides their first bicycle, but if they’re not quite ready to go it alone on two wheels just yet, then training wheels are a great way of making sure they’re stable while they learn. The XLC training wheels are suitable for 12-20" wheels on children's bikes and can take a maximum weight of 30kg. They are sturdy balance wheels and come with a steel mudguard to keep your child dry from mud and rain. They can be used on all types of kids’ bikes, from city, trekking, mountain bike and youth. They are adjustable, hence why they can be used on different sizes of wheels and bikes.
- solidne koła podporowe z stabilną obręczą stalową
- max. Obciążenie do 30 kg
- do rozmiaru koła 12-20"
Brand | XLC |
Model identifier number | TW-S01 |