Children learning to ride a bike is a magical thing, but sometimes they need a little extra support while they do so. This pushing aid by XLC allows you to push them on their bikes while they learn how to pedal safely. No tools are required for the installation of this pushing aid, simply mount it to your child's seat post. On the handle, there are anti-slip pimpled grips to give you more control while holding it, particularly in wet weather where it could become slippy. This practical pushing aid allows you to keep an eye on your little ones so they don't pedal off before they’re ready, and keeps them safe while they learn to ride their bike at their own pace.
- praktyczna pomoc w pchaniu rowerów dziecięcych
- montaż bez użycia narzędzi
- mocowanie do sztycy
- antypoślizgowy uchwyt
Brand | XLC |
Color / Decor | czarny |